2012年11月15日 星期四

3种语言的 Q & A ,教你如何回答顾客


Q: Customers Ask
A: U reply
Q: How to Earn Money / PM
A: Just need to pay RM150 to join as member (Member fee just for one time).
Then we will teach & guide u step by step how to earn RM 1,000 in the 1st month.
Result Guarantee & Money Back Guarantee.

Q: Do i need to pay any money ?

A: Just need to pay@invest RM150 member fees for 1 time, then you have gained the chance to earn a lot of $ ♥

Q: How to say Money Back Guarantee?

A: 1 day, you can click minimum 5 times of ads (1 time = RM 1)
1 month = 30 days x 5ads x RM1 = RM150 (Get back the money you have invested)

Q: What are the bonus that i earn ?

(1) Click Ad Bonus
Just need to click on the advertisement everyday and find downline
(Click 1 ad = RM 1)
1 day can click 5 ads
1 month = 30 days x 5ads x RM1 = RM150
• Downline Less than 4 ppl -> Click 5 times / day
• Downline More than 4 ppl -> Click 10 times / day

(2) Sponsoring Bonus

Sponsor 1 downline -> u earn RM55
Downline sponsor downline - > u earn RM5 (Until 8 level, Just 1 time)

(3) Renewal Bonus

Each time, when company give the bonus,
- 30% of the bonus will be kept in the system for 【Renewal Bonus】 purpose.
- Once the bonus which keep in the system reach RM50,
The system will renew one time


Today, you have 100 downline whose bonus keep in company reach RM50,
when the system renew one time, you will get RM 100.
【华文 Chinese】

Q: 如何赚钱 / PM

A: 只需付RM150 加入会员 (会员费只需一次)。
然后, 我们会一步步教您如何可以赚取在第1个月赚取RM 1000++
效果已获得证实, 保证回本。

Q: 需要付任何费用吗?

A: 只需要付@投资RM150 作为会员费, 然后您就能开始赚大钱了 ♥

Q: 如何能Money Back Guarantee?

A: 1 天, 您可以按 广告最少5次 (1 次 = RM 1)
1 个月 = 30 天 x 5 个广告 x RM1 = RM150 (您已拿回本身投资的钱)

Q: 我能赚取什么Bonus呢 ?

(1)  按广告的Bonus
(按一次广告 赚 RM 1)
1 天 可以最少按 5个广告
1 个月 = 30 天 x 5 个广告 x RM1 = Rm150
• 下线人数少过 4个人时 -> 1 天 可以按 5个广告
• 下线人数多过 4个人时 -> 1 天 可以按 10个广告

(2) 推荐的Bonus

推荐1个下线 -> 您赚 RM55
下线推荐下线 - > 您赚 RM 5 (直到第8层, 只抽1次)

(3) 更新的Bonus

每一次, 当公司给出bonus时,
- 30% 的 Bonus 会被 放在公司系统里 作为【更新的Bonus】 用途。
- 每当这笔 Bonus 达到了RM50时,系统会自动更新1次。


今天, 您有 100位下线,他们所放在公司系统里的Bonus达到了RM50,
系统会自动更新, 您就获得了RM100。


Q: Bagaimana menjana pendapatan / PM
A: Hanya perlu yuran ahli rm150. (Satu kali sahaja).
Kemudian, kami akan mengajar dan memandu anda langkah demi langkah  untuk menjana pendapatan sebanyak  we will teach & guide u step by  step how to earn RM1,000 in the 1st month.
Keputusan dibuktikan & Jaminan Pulangan Modal.

Q: Perlukah apa-apa yuran ahli ?

A: Hanya perlu membayar@melabur RM 150 sekaligus, kemudian anda telah memenangi peluang untuk menjana pendapatan yang banyak ♥

Q: Bagaimanakah Jaminan Pulangan Modal?

A: 1 hari, anda dapat klik iklan sebanyak 5 kali (1 kali = RM 1)
1 bulan = 30 hari x 5 iklan x RM1 = RM150 (Pulangan Modal)

Q: Apakah bonus yang saya dapat ?

(1) Bonus untuk Klik Iklan
Hanya perlu klik pada iklan setiap hari dan mencari downline
(Klik 1 iklan = RM 1)
1 hari dapat klik 5 iklan
1 bulan = 30 hari x 5 iklan x RM1 = RM150
• Downline kurang daripada 4 org -> Click 5 kali sehari
• Downline lebih daripada 4 orang -> Klik 10 kali sehari

(2) Bonus Tajaan

Menaja 1 downline -> anda dapat RM55
Downline menaja downline - > anda dapat RM5 (Sehingga tingkat 8, Hanya 1 kali)

(3) Bonus Pembaharuan

Setiap kali, semasa syarikat memberi bonus,
- 30% bonus akan disimpan dalam sistem untuk 【Bonus Pembaharuan】.
- Sebaik sahaja bonus yang disimpan dalam sistem mencapai RM50,
sistem akan membaharui satu kali.


Today, you have 100 downline whose bonus keep in company reach RM50,
when the system renew one time, you will get RM100.

Wat Khao Udom Phon

Wat Khao Udom Phon https://youtu.be/swi3XwAvxQ0?si=e6pdYy9fOEubyijK