2014年12月14日 星期日

REPORT and live test results of IONMAN GLUCOSAMINE TOPICAL CREAM by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014 (Part 2-2 )

and live test results of 
by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014 
(Part 2-2 )

Subject 1
A 50 year old white male with a history of severe shoulder and neck pain (unexplained by doctors) as well as foot/ankle pain due to and old injury. No family history of arthritis.
History of actions and medications used for treatment
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- pain control drugs both over the counter and prescription
- massage therapy
- joint steroid injections

Results after a 2 month daily therapy of IONMAN topical cream
(Cream was applied to affected areas twice daily for 8 weeks).
Week 1: noticeable reduction in pain after 2 days as well as visible reduction in inflammation of hands and knees
Week 2: further reduction in pain and a noticed improvement in sleep
Week 3: noticeable improvement of mobility in shoulders with noted reduction in pain at extreme motion
Week 4: a dramatic feeling of well-being not having to deal with debilitating pain management
Week 5: a feeling of fluid motion was conveyed. Continued pain reduction management needs
Week 6: at week 6 subject 1 was mobile with no need for added oral pain management for sleeping
Week 7: a more active individual, living a much improved quality of life.
Week 8: now pain free on a daily basis and without the need for oral pain management he is still using a daily maintenance on all joints, says he will continue to use the product as needed for the rest of his life.

Subject 2

A 77 year old Chinese female with degenerative joints and mild osteoarthritis (OA).
Slightly humped over when erect due to lack of range of motion in joints and spine.
Family history of arthritis. Walks with a cane.
History of actions and medications used for treatment
- anti-inflammatory drugs
- TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) anti-inflammatory oral formulas
- TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) topical joint repair paste

Results after a 2 month daily therapy of IONMAN topical cream.
(Cream was applied to affected areas twice daily for 8 weeks).
Week 1: noticeable reduction in pain after first application which continued throughout the week. Visible reduction in joint inflammation.
Week 2: further reduction in pain and mobility in joints as well as a noticed improvement in sleep. Further visible reduction of joint inflammation especially in the hands and knees.
Week 3: noticeable improvement of quality of life, family members stated she was seen smiling for the first time in years. Able to stand more erect due to increased range of joint motion.
Week 4: residing in a rural area she can now walk short distances without a cane
Week 5: individual was seen walking erect and with greater ease of motion
Week 6: pain has been reduced to moments instead of constant. This is simply due to the healing process.
Week 7: a much more active individual, living a much improved quality of life. She said she felt 40 years younger. She also told me she had started to do needlepoint again after not being able to for over a decade because of severe pain in her hands.
Week 8: still using a daily maintenance on all joints, she will continue to use the product as needed for the rest of his life.

Subject 3

A 76 year old male with elbow and shoulder tissue damage due to 550VAC electrical shock early in his life. Also has advanced cartilage degeneration and separated tendons in shoulders due to a lifetime of physical labor. Has reduced range of motion and 24 hour pain and trouble sleeping.
His father was a diabetic, however he is not. No history of arthritis in family.
History of actions and medications used for treatment and symptom management- anti-inflammatory drugs both over the counter and prescription when needed weekly
- pain control oral drugs both over the counter and prescription daily
- has been on surgery waiting list to reattach tendons for 3 years

Results after a 2 month daily therapy of IONMAN topical cream.
(Cream was applied to affected areas twice daily for 8 weeks).
Week 1: noticeable reduction in pain after first application another noticeable reduction in pain at the end of the 2nd day.
Week 2: further reduction in pain and a mild improvement in sleep still a need for pain management
Week 3: noticeable improvement of mobility in shoulders, person could not lift arms above shoulder at the onset of test.
Week 4: a dramatic feeling of pain reduction, at the end of 4th week individual could sleep through the night
Week 5: continued pain reduction management needs, noticeable improvement of quality of life
Week 6: at the end of week 6 subject 3 had no need for added oral pain management during the day, however still needed pain management for sleep
Week 7: individual cried during our session stating he had a whole day without severe shoulder pain and had realized how bad his quality of life had been for the past two decades. Due to the injury he still has discomfort but it is now not an all-encompassing daily pain management. He said he had been living with debilitating pain for over 20 years.
Week 8: still has need for occasional pain management but he stated his overall quality of life was dramatically improved. He is still using a daily maintenance on all joints, says he will continue to use the product for the rest of his life.

Subject 4

A 52 year old white male overweight with limited mobility due to extreme knee pain.
He is also a diabetic type 2. Cannot carry heavy objects due to knee pain. Standing up from seated position is slow and painful.
History of actions and medications used for treatment and symptom management
- anti-inflammatory drugs both over the counter and prescription used when he was over active
- pain control oral drugs both over the counter and prescription used daily

Results after a 2 month daily therapy of IONMAN topical cream.
(Cream was applied to affected areas twice daily for 8 weeks).
Week 1: noticeable reduction in pain after 2 days noticed reduction in debilitating pain at end of first week. Visible reduction in joint inflammation.
Week 2: further reduction in pain. Still has mild swelling after walking short distances.
Week 3: noticeable improvement of mobility, individual was more active daily and able to walk longer distances
Week 4: stopped all oral pain medication for sleeping and ability to walk. Standing up from a seated position was no longer painful
Week 5: individual told us his knees no longer swelled after a long walks
Week 6: at week 6 subject 4 was mobile with no need for resting during long walks due to joint pain
Week 7: a more active individual, living a much improved quality of life, told us he was able to pick up and carry his grandchildren for the first time in years.
Week 8: still using a daily maintenance on all joints, says he will continue to use the product as needed for the rest of his life.
As the above results, I feel proud of sharing IONMAN, really hope it can help more people in need.

Observations and thoughts on IONMAN Glucosamine Cream
The proprietary dermal transport technology is the products superior advantage. Getting a high level of useable ingredient to affected areas in a small amount of time is the key to any recovery of injury and or aging process and to simply maintain a healthy body. Thanks to the great work of the scientists, chemists and doctors that created this product that has given the quality of life back to the 4 individuals that I was able to test the product on. I wish there were more solutions to real problems like IONMAN.

Dr Brian


Wat Khao Udom Phon

Wat Khao Udom Phon https://youtu.be/swi3XwAvxQ0?si=e6pdYy9fOEubyijK