2014年7月3日 星期四





延缓女性衰老、改善更年期症状、骨质疏松、血脂升高、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、心脏病、疏松症、心血管疾病等。对于高雌激素水平者,表现为抗激素活性,可防治乳腺、子宫内膜、结肠、前列腺、肺、皮肤等癌细胞的生长和白血病,及其它心血管疾病。大豆提取物作为营养补充食品 使用,此外,大豆异黄酮显著的降低了乳腺癌的发病率,产生这种结果被认为是与它的产物植物雌激素有关。研究还指出在平时多食用富含大豆异黄酮的食物有助于抑制前列腺癌细胞的生长,那些多吃低脂肪,富含大豆蛋白食品的人患(前列腺癌)的概率会更低

► Soy Extract( Soy Isoflavones)

Soy isoflavones contain various natural phytoestrogen which originated from soy and has high bioavailability for human absorption. It enlarges breasts volume prevents breasts sagging contour by promoting the growth of breasts and firming the breasts. Besides that, soy isoflavones also play an important role in protecting and maintaining strong and healthy bones. It helps in the preservation of the bone substance and fight osteoporosis by attenuating the bone mineral content and bone density for menopausal women. Apart from this, as a natural female oestrogen, soy isoflavones can greatly increase the oestrogen level and prevent hormonal imbalance conditions, theoretically they may help delays menopause and alleviates premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms, such as vaginal dryness, hot flashes, osteoporosis, mood swings or hair loss. It has known to help maintain a young skin as well.

To regulate the female hormones, endocrine and activate breast’s adipose tissue. In order to direct the free fat to breasts, so as to achieve the effect of breast augmentation, and also can prevent many women diseases such as breast cancer.



Collagen: Collagen powder contains hydroxyproline, which is uniquely effective in tighteningthe loose connective tissue, supporting the sagging bust, resulting a firm, elastic and magnificent breast.


葛根具有极高的雌激素活性,这是因为它有着与人体激素相似的结构。它已被证明有助于乳腺组织的发展,并通过加长连接到乳头得分支管,它可以增大乳房。葛雌素的含量是野葛根对于血液循环、产生再生组织、增加乳房组织内的水分和脂肪积累以导致乳房提升和坚挺起了重要的角色。除此之外,它也有能力改善肤质是您有着青春的容颜。 具有特殊的丰胸效果和改善痛经的功效。据权威统计,服用泰国野葛根后,96%的女性达到丰胸美胸效果。每天补充,就可替代雌激素的作用,刺激激素分泌,在人体环境保持最高活性作用于乳房腺体,激发乳房二次自然发育,帮助乳房脂肪团生长膨胀,使乳房获得自然增大,增大乳房

Thai PuerariaMirifica Extract: It has a special effects which can improve breastaugmentation and reduce menstrual pain. According to research statistics, 96 % of women’s bust size are effectively augmented after used the Thai PuerariaMirifica. It is best for you apply it every day, which it can act as the role like oestrogen to stimulate hormone secretion. Also, it is actively effective in breast gland to stimulate 2nd time of breast growth naturally, helps the expansion and growth of breast adipose tissues and naturally resulting an improved breast augmentation



► Pueraria Lobata Root Extract

Pueraria lobata is a traditional herb that rich in natural phytoestrogen and is very helpful in promoting estrogenic activities that keep hormonal balance with potency in accelerating and stabilising hormone level in women's body. It aids in the mammary tissues development and breasts enlargement by increasing the adipose tissues and ligaments around the breasts. This can provide support and shape to the breasts in order to offer fuller and firmer appearance. In addition, pueraria lobata also improves the breasts skin and maintains a natural look by promoting the formation of natural collagen and stimulating the development of new skin cells. Moreover, research showed that pueraria lobata can act as a booster in improving blood circulation, promoting toxin elimination and mammary gland healthiness.


具有催化能力和控制身体代谢的蛋白质,仰赖酵素的作用,才能完整地维持身体的平衡性和稳定性,由于能促进乳腺激素分泌, 木瓜酵素中含丰富的丰胸激素及维生素A等养份,能刺激女性荷尔蒙分泌,并能刺激卵巢分泌雌激素,使乳腺畅通,达到丰胸的目的

Papain: It has a good catalytic ability and effective in control the metabolism of proteins. The role of enzymes is to maintain the integrity and stability of the balance inside our body. Papain containing vitamin A and hormones which is effective for breast augmentation, goof for stimulate the secretion of female hormones and promote secretion of oestrogen from the ovaries, unblocked the breast glands to achieve a good breast augmentation effect. Papain is highly rich in papaya, which is good for the growth of breast glands.



► Cimicifuga Racemosa Root

Cimicifuga racemosa, also known as black cohosh, it has reported that includes formononetin, which is an estrogenic isoflavone and has a highly controversial estrogenic effect for the treatment of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, depression, emotional liability, profuse sweating, and sleep disturbances. It can also reduce the risk of breasts cancer. Moreover, black cohosh also has suppressive effects luteinizing hormone (LH) to improve circulation and reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. Furthermore, black cohosh also contains antioxidants that can protect against cellular DNA and skin damage caused by reactive oxygen species. Additionally, the black cohosh rhizome has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects.



► Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract

Polygonum cuspidatum, known by the common name Japanese knotweed, contains resveratrol which is a polyphenolic compound that has the anti-ageing ability. It also has a protective effect against oxidative damage induced by UVA radiation by stimulating the activity of endogenous antioxidant enzymes. Hence, it can prevent most of the photo-ageing damage in the skin, including premature wrinkles, loss of elasticity and hyperpigmentation.



► Angelica Polymorpha Sinensis Root Extract

Angelica polymorpha sinensis is normally known as Dong Quai, which originates from many provinces in southwestern China. It is the supreme female tonic in traditional Chinese medicine by balancing and normalizing support for women's unique rhythms, cycles and body systems. The root of Dong Quai is rich in vitamin B12, which plays a role in the production of new blood cells. Its root aids the body in the efficient use of hormones and plays a vital role in breasts health and enlargemen by promoting natural progesterone synthesis. It also used as treatment for relieving menstrual disorders such as cramps, irregular menstrual cycles, infrequent periods, PMS and menopause symptoms.



► Punica Granatum Extract( Pomegranate’s Extract)

Punica Granatum, also called pomegranate generally contains high concentrations of polyphenol which contributes to its potent antioxidant activity leading to the high radical scavenging capacity. Hence, it can prevent acne and scars formation by regenerating tissues in the affected area. Pomegranate is a great remedy for skin that is damaged due to sun exposure or ageing. Furthermore, it can lower the systolic blood pressure, as well as exhibit anti-inflammatory role in cardiovascular and other conditions. Additionally, it is an oestrogen-riched fruits that aids in breasts enhancement by counterbalancing the testosterone and stimulating breasts growth.



► Trifolium Pratense (Clover) Flower Extract

Trifolium Pratense, also known as red clover, is considered to be one of the richest sources of isoflavones which is a water-soluble chemical that acts like oestrogen. It has been widely used as a treatment for hot flashes in menopausal women and slows the bone loss and even boosts bone mineral density in pre-menopausal women. Furthermore, red clover may prevent or relieve oestrogen-related symptoms, such as breast pain, that are associated with PMS. Additionally, numerous studies demonstrated that red clover also used for lowering cholesterol, breast enhancement and breast health, improving urine production and improving circulation of the blood effectively.


薯麦或野生山药具有与雌激素相似的活性,其植物雌激素在刺激丰胸的作用起重要的角色。因此,当植物雌激素应用在某些地方例如乳房时,它可以容易地渗透到肌肤并累积在乳房组织中。通过增加细胞的大小而不是细胞的数量,它使脂肪细胞变大,以让乳房的外观增添其丰满度和圆度。 此外,植物雌激素在血液中可引起轻度的雌激素作用以防止体内的雌激素产并预防不必要的作用,如老年妇女常遇的阴道干涩问题、经前期综合征、月经来潮和骨质疏松症的效果。除此之外,野生山药也包含了薯蓣皂苷元,这是类似人体的孕激素,它成为了雌激素治疗的‘自然代替品’。因此,使用雌激素替代疗法可用于激素平衡。

► Dioscorea Villosa Extract

Dioscorea Villosa or wild yam has some oestrogen-like activity; its phyto-oestrogen has played a significant role in stimulating breast enhancement. Thus, when phytoestrogens is applied to such areas as breasts, it can be penetrated to the skin easily and accumulated in breasts tissues. By increasing the size of cells instead of increasing the number of cells, it makes the adipose cells become larger and offer a fullness and roundness appearance to the breasts. Furthermore, the phytoestrogens in the blood flow can cause mild estrogenic effect that preventing real estrogen from producing significant and often undesirable effect such as vaginal dryness in older women, PMS, menstrual cramps and osteoporosis. Apart from this, wild yam also contains diosgenin which is similar to progesterone produced by the human body and often promoted as a “natural alterative” to oestrogen therapy, hence, it used for oestrogen replacement therapy for hormone balancing.

Pinky Up

爱美是女人的天性,隨著年齡的增長,女性的陰道內壁層會逐漸變薄,引致發炎、性交時感覺疼痛、酵母及細菌感染的罹患率增高。 外表的照顾我们其实还看得到,可是我们内里的保护你们是否也照顾周到呢?尤其现在夜生活的丰富或者是工作上需要加班,女性就要经常面临着熬夜,熬夜其实是最伤身体的,直接导致的就是内分泌失调,而内分泌失调又会引起肥胖。 此外,体内质醇增多、脑垂体功能低下、性腺功能减退、甲状腺功能减退及长期使用某些激素,都会继发引起人的肥胖

内分泌失调一般会出现如下症状: 1、肌肤突然变差。 2、适逢更年期女性经常会出现一些脾气急躁、情绪变化较大的情况。 3、妇科内分泌疾病,子宫内膜异位症、月经量不规律、痛经、月经不调等都是妇科内分泌的疾病,还有一些乳腺疾病也和内分泌失调有关,有些面部色斑也是由于内分泌失调引起的。 4、内分泌失调导致肥胖。 5、性生活正常,却怀孕无望。


请问您有想要: à 增强体力以更满足您的伴侣吗? à 紧致阴道与子宫,让你的男人对你欲罢不能? à 增加女性雌激素? à 提高性欲? à 解决恼人的阴道松弛,阴吹问题? à防止子宫下垂? à 去除阴道干涩、 老化等影响性快感的因素?

你也曾经试过很多产品,但是效果不怎么理想要不然就是药性有副作用?? 今天就来和你介绍下为什么要选择Pinky Up | Women Modern Lifestyle Beverage!! 女人健康美丽一生的圣品!! 30天给你的阴道来个新鲜的排毒缩阴,快速修复受损弹性纤维细胞,并促使细胞再生,增强阴道内平滑肌的弹性,增加阴道内粘膜褶皱,使阴道变得紧窄有力。要健康和外貌都得到全面的改善的话,不要再做表面功夫保养咯!卵巢就是我们的根,胸是叶,脸是花 要就从根做起!

产品功效: 1.平衡体内荷尔蒙,改善内分泌引起的微循环紊乱; 2.收紧皮肤,改善面部肌肤,拉升、上提下垂皮肤 ;











13.暖宫、缓解痛经。 14. 改善肌肤素质,美白淡斑。

Pinky Up的主要成分:

【柠檬粉】 柠檬被人们称作美白之王,她含有大量维生素C,Vc是美容化妆品界广泛认可的重要元素之一,它能够有效的抑制洛氨酸酶活性,使氧化性黑色素还原为无色的还原性黑色素,从而达到美白、祛班的效果。此外,它也还含有大量柠檬酸,是果酸家族中的一员,它具有去除老化角质、促进表皮细胞再生、保持肌肤水分、改善皮肤质地、增强皮肤弹性等作用。

【泰国野葛根根提取物】 消除体内自由基 阻止血小板凝聚 防止人身体低密度脂蛋白氧化 抗肿瘤 葛根具有极高的雌激素活性,这是因为它有着与人体激素相似的结构。 它已被证明有助于乳腺组织的发展,并通过加长连接到乳头得分支管,它可以增大乳房。葛雌素的含量是野葛根对于血液循环、产生再生组织、增加乳房组织内的水分和脂肪积累以导致乳房提升和坚挺起了重要的角色。除此之外,它也有能力改善肤质是您有着青春的容颜。 具有特殊的丰胸效果和改善痛经的功效。据权威统计,服用泰国野葛根后,96%的女性达到丰胸美胸效果。每天补充,就可替代雌激素的作用,刺激激素分泌,在人体环境保持最高活性作用于乳房腺体,激发乳房二次自然发育,帮助乳房脂肪团生长膨胀,使乳房获得自然增大,增大乳房

--保持青春,延缓老化让皮肤光洁细腻,增强女性魅力 ,经期不准,改善经痛白带,协调夫妻生活,提升受孕机会,强健骨质,提升记忆力,增强心脏功能。 也是女版的东革阿里。

它可调节女性内分泌 ,促进细胞再生,调节体质,能让女性胸部结实,肌肤粉嫩,身材玲珑,调整经期、改善经痛,减少白带,协调夫妻生活,提升受孕机会。此外,也可以帮助更年期妇女:强健骨质,增强心脏功能,提升记忆力,改善更年期症候群症状 (热潮红、阴道干燥、黑斑、情绪波动等) 。野葛根能够治疗性冷淡,使女人极易产生性高潮。

4. 葛藤根提取物 葛根是一个传统的草药,它含有丰富的天然植物雌激素和促进雌激素的活动,通过加速和稳定女性身体的激素水平以保持激素平衡。由于能够增加乳房周围的脂肪组织及韧带,它有助于乳腺组织的发展和乳房增大。这可以提供乳房的支撑和形状以拥有充分和坚挺的外观。此外,通过促进天然胶原蛋白的形成以刺激新肌肤细胞的发展,葛根提高了乳房皮肤的素质并保持一个自然的外观。此外,研究表明葛根可以作为一剂强心针,它能够改善血液循环以促进排毒和乳腺的健康以及加强和坚定阴道壁 减少阴道分泌物异味 增加女性性欲 恢复阴道紧实 改善性冷感 散发女性的魅力 具有天然的消毒作用,能有效地消除病菌、酵母菌及真菌感染(造成女性下體發癢及有異味的主要原因)。除此之外亦有助於減少過量的白帶。

5.大豆提取物 因为分子量的结构与女性荷尔蒙相似,所以也称为植物性雌激素。依据临床研究显示,大豆异黄酮具有多重的健康益处,包括可调节女性荷尔蒙,改善更年期症状、改善更年期骨质疏松、降低心血管疾病以及抗氧化等功能。

6.甘草 甘草的功效作用包括可以提高女性雌激素的生产率,有助于舒缓压力,具备消炎作用及降低睾丸激素对女性的影响。

需要养巢的7大女性~ 1. 生过宝宝的女性(自然生产)- 阴道被不可修复的撑大。 2. 性史超过3年的女性 – 阴道长期被使用而老化。 3. 性事频密的女性 – 阴道被透支使用。 4. 人流/药流后的女性 – 下阴发生2次大“突变”。 5. 有妇科病症的女性- 细菌损伤阴道的细胞。 6. 长时间坐着,缺乏运动的女性 – 阴道及盆腔肉下陷。 7. 40岁以上的女性 – 阴道自然老化

女人的烦恼~! ~ 怕松弛! ~ 又干涩又痛! ~ 没劲,没心情! ~ 痒起来钻心透骨! ~ 恼人的恶臭味! ~ 烦人的分泌物!

分量: 3克/包

用法: 您可将Pinky Up溶解于任何温或冷饮料。(除了:热饮料、咖啡饮料、乳制品和酒精饮料)。一天一包,于餐后饮用。

注意: 此产品不适合孕妇、哺乳期母亲、未满18岁孩童及正在服用药物的病患者服用。

贮存方法: 保存于阴凉及干燥的地方。远离热源及阳光。

Wat Khao Udom Phon

Wat Khao Udom Phon https://youtu.be/swi3XwAvxQ0?si=e6pdYy9fOEubyijK