Benefits Of The Facial Bar
1. Firms, lifts & put a shine on the face
2. Reduces & closes up big facial pores. 3. Removes free radicals & toxins from your face & hair & replenishes them with the right nutrients
4. Saves on toner, cleanser, shampoo, shaving cream etc
5. Enhances facial complexion, very potent & shows significant improvement even after using it a few times.
6. Optimum hydration to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and prevent against common skin ailments associated
with dry skin like freckles, wrinkles and fine lines
7. Collagen Regeneration to ensure that your skin is lifted, soft and supple so that your face constantly looks
8. Cell Rejuvenation to ensure that your skin recovers fast thus lightening scars and giving you an extra glow
on the face
9. Detoxification of the cells on the skin to prevent growth of pimples, blackheads and whiteheads and also to
get rid of and prevent skin related problems like skin allergies, rashes, eczema
10. Radiance revealing to give you extra glow on the face
11. Improve blood circulation on skin such that for fair people, you get a reddish, healthy glow on your cheeks
just like those cute Japanese and European babies!
Normal moisturisers may not penetrate the deep layers of our skin (dermis/hypodermis) and deliver sufficient moisture to repair the damage.
Over the years, dehydration will cause our skin to lose radiance.
The skin becomes more and more fragile as a result and has a less effective barrier against irritant and infection, causing problems like pimples, pigmentation, scars, uneven colouring, oiliness, dryness and even skin diseases like eczema.
Thus, it is important to help our skin revert back to their healthy state where skin is soft, tender, smooth and radiant just like that of a baby!
EUMORA 美容皂的功效
1. 收缩毛孔
2. 紧实肌肤
3. 拉紧脸部轮廓、消除皱纹
4. 深沉洁净 (黑头,分刺)
5. 美白作用, 让肌肤恢复光亮
6. 美白腋下、大腿内侧、颈项的肌肤
7. 柔嫩肌肤,让肌肤白里透红,象婴儿般白皙红嫩的肌肤
8. 平衡肌肤的PH
9. 长时间使用会淡化痘疤、雀斑、黑斑及疤痕
10. 节省时间,节省金钱,减少了使用其它的护肤品
11. 镇静发炎、敏感的皮肤
12. 同样也可用作洗发水,因为它帮助头皮变得更加健康,并助头发变得柔软,有光泽
2. 紧实肌肤
3. 拉紧脸部轮廓、消除皱纹
4. 深沉洁净 (黑头,分刺)
5. 美白作用, 让肌肤恢复光亮
6. 美白腋下、大腿内侧、颈项的肌肤
7. 柔嫩肌肤,让肌肤白里透红,象婴儿般白皙红嫩的肌肤
8. 平衡肌肤的PH
9. 长时间使用会淡化痘疤、雀斑、黑斑及疤痕
10. 节省时间,节省金钱,减少了使用其它的护肤品
11. 镇静发炎、敏感的皮肤
12. 同样也可用作洗发水,因为它帮助头皮变得更加健康,并助头发变得柔软,有光泽
With constant use, your friends will be asking you why:
Your skin looks fairer, radiant and glowing
Your skin feels so soft and smooth
Your skin is firm and lifted
Your big facial pores have closed up
Your wrinkle reduces & your freckles lighten
Your eye bags disappear