2014年12月30日 星期二







2014年12月14日 星期日

Ionman Cream 的医学临床报告( Part 2-1 ) ~ by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014

Ionman Cream 的医学临床报告( Part 2-1 ) 
~ by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014

* 因膝盖,手指,脚趾,足踝发炎或浮肿,而造成行动不便者
* 关节炎引起的背部,颈项,肩膀和膝盖疼痛
* 近期因关节和肌肉受伤,扭伤或拉伤 * 时常处于高度剧烈活动或高运动量的健儿们
* 任何水平的专业运动员
* 有关节炎病痛背景的家庭
* 老化的关节恶化


初步阶段骨关节炎(OA)是骨胶在软骨上历经年代不停地磨损而造成的。次阶段骨关节炎(OA)的因素倾向于严重损伤或是发炎引起的。IONMAN拥有glucosamine可以帮助骨关节炎,关节老化,骨骼受伤纾解疼痛。Glucomine是一种自然生物化学元素(IONMAN 取自玉米)。它附在软骨内形成主要柔软成分的流体,在骨骼与肌肉相连处。Glucosamine是醣类和氨基酸以醣连结而结合。

我们身上大多数的糖的成分,来自于饮食后燃烧成的热量。醣类氨基酸(Amino Sugar)主要是用来制造身体内组织成分(tissue component)。因此Glucosamine帮助形成了proteoglycans,它巧妙的处在软骨网内以维持恢复关节的构造.我们身体功能在普遍的耗损下, 组织(tissue)在不停的糟破坏的同时也被更替或重建,这过程称为新陈代谢.Glucosamine Amino Sugar所以就成了主要的支撑角色。

Ionman cream是一种自然解除痛楚,帮助修复关节和筋腱的良方,也是质量超越的,只有它有特高的生物功能率(bioability rate~SDS 配方)。因此Ionma cream 绝对有效是因为它直接针对关节和筋腱而几乎即刻可解除痛楚。对于关节炎口服而无效者,Ionman是最佳的替代品,因为口服glucosamine的生物功能率极低,而且Ionman也适合用在个别对水生有壳动物产生过敏者。

指示 :
用法 : Ionman cream是专为关节和筋腱而制的。所以只要把膏敷在关
重点 : Ionman虽然集中点在原料上,但它也包含了其它技术及材料成
分,以帮助促进Ionman cream可以轻易通过渗透皮肤而传达


REPORT and live test results of IONMAN GLUCOSAMINE TOPICAL CREAM ~ by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014 (Part 2-1)

REPORT and live test results of 
~ by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014 (Part 2-1)

Who can benefit from IONMAN Glucosamine cream?
Individuals that:
• Suffer from pain or stiffness in the knees, hands, feet, spine, shoulders, elbows or hips
• Experience a limited range of motion in the joints
• Have swollen or inflamed knees, fingers, toes, ankles due to joint degeneration
• Experience arthritic back, neck shoulder and or knee pain
• Have recently injured or sprained a joint and or pulled a tendon
• Are involved in any high intensity activities or high impact sports
• Any professional athlete at any level
• Have a family history of any joint diseases
• Any aged individual with degenerating joints

Cartilage is a tough, gel-like material that covers the ends of bones where they meet to form a joint. Cartilage allows bones to glide smoothly across each other during movement, and acts as a shock absorber for the joints. Over time, normal “wear and tear” in the body causes cartilage to crack and break away from the joints (pain). As this protective coating wears away, the bones start to grind against each other during movement (severe pain). This can result in a condition known as osteoarthritis (OA), which is characterized by pain, inflammation and stiffness in the joints; in particular, the joints of the hips, spine, knees, feet and hands.
Primary OA is the normal degeneration due to decades of wear and tear and stress being placed on the collagen of the cartilage.

Secondary OA is due to predisposing factors such as trauma and or previous inflammatory disease. IONMAN contains glucosamine that can help relieve the pain caused by OA, and individuals with age-related degenerative joint diseases or acute joint injuries.
Glucosamine is a biological chemical that is naturally present in bone cartilage where it forms the major cushioning ingredients of the synovial fluids of the joints and surrounding tissues. Glucosamine is composed of a sugar molecule (glucose) and an amine group. While most sugars come from dietary sources and are burned for energy, amino sugars are mainly formed in the body and used primarily in manufacturing tissue components. As such, glucosamine helps form the proteoglycans that fit within the spaces in cartilage netting that is needed to restore joint structure.
Normal wear and tear during bodily functions means that tissues are constantly broken down (metabolized) and replaced or restructured. Glucosamine amino sugars are thus are continuously in demand. With age, the body’s ability to produce glucosamine become impaired, and can result in considerable dysfunction and pain. Therefore, glucosamine metabolism is a very important factor to stop or slow the development of osteoarthritis. As a “building block” of cartilage, glucosamine can help to slow the development of mild to moderate OA by protecting and strengthening cartilage, allowing it to retain its cushioning effects and lubricate the joints. It also plays a role in preventing further joint damage, reduces inflammation and supports pain-free movement of the joints.
Glucosamine is thought to be even more effective for relieving the pain and inflammation of arthritis than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In fact, while anti-inflammatory drugs provide pain relief from OA, they do not address the fundamental problem of cartilage loss and degeneration, and can also have serious side effects, such as internal bleeding or liver failure, that can sometimes come with long-term anti-inflammatory drug use.
Therefore ION-MAN glucosamine cream is suitable for individuals with shellfish allergies.

IONMAN Topical Cream is a natural approach to support pain-free movement and repair of joints and tendons. IONMAN topical form is superior because it has an extremely high bioavailability rate.
Therefore, IOMAN is effective because it directly targets the joints and tendons to provide and almost immediate pain relief. It is also ideal for individuals with osteoarthritis that have not had success with oral glucosamine due to a very low bioavailability rate.

Application: The cream is designed for tendon and joint management, therefore apply over top of joints and follow tendon lines of the muscular skeletal structure for best results.

Although I have focused on the main ingredient, the cream has other ingredients that facilitate its absorption through the skin into the bloodstream as well as a natural source mild pain inhibitor.


IONMAN 医学临床试验报告 ( Part 2-2 ) REPORT and live test results of IONMAN GLUCOSAMINE TOPICAL CREAM by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014 ( Part 2-2 )

IONMAN 医学临床试验报告 ( Part 2-2 )
REPORT and live test results of 
by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014 ( Part 2-2 )

个案 1 :

— 抗炎药物
— 止痛药物(通过药方或药房)
— 按摩
— 注射类固醇针

敷用Ionman cream 2个月

第一个星期 : 2天后,痛楚减少,手和膝盖发炎也缓和。 第二个星期 :痛楚继续减少,睡眠好转。 第三个星期 : 肩膀明显的能轻松摆动。即使出力,痛楚也转弱。 第四个星期 : 令人吃惊的感觉良好,不需要靠药物止痛 第五我星期 : 感觉得到液体在体内输送,完全不需要用药物止痛。 第六个星期 : 个案1已不需要口服止痛药睡眠了。
第七个星期 : 个案1更加活跃,生活品质也改善了。
第八个星期 : 完全无痛楚也无需服止痛药了。

他说会继续使用,也会为往后的日子随时备用 Ionman cream。


她进行了以下疗程 :
— 抗炎药物
— 华人传统抗炎药物
— 华人传统关节炎药膏

以下为为期2个月,每星期敷用Ionman cream的效果, 每日敷用2次,共八个星期 :

第一星期 :减少疼痛,减少发炎
第二星期 :持续减少关节疼痛,睡眠好转,手和脚发炎减少。
第三星期 :生活品质改善,家人告知多年来第一次见到她咧嘴笑。
第四星期 :住在郊区的她现在不用靠拐杖能近距离行走。 第五星期 :身子越来越挺直,移动也越见轻松。
第六星期 :疼痛不再如影随形,只有偶尔性发作。



他进行了以下的疗法 :
— 从药房和医生药方用口服止痛药止痛。

敷用Ionman cream 2个月效果
把Ionmman cream敷在关节患处。

第一星期 :第一次敷用痛楚明显减少。
第二星期 : 痛楚再度减少, 睡眠已有改善。
第三星期 : 手臂逐渐能轻易移动,但不能举高过肩膀。 第四星期 : 令人惊奇的变化,痛楚明显减了很多, 整夜无失眠。 第五星期 : 感觉越来越良好,可以预见生活品质有显著改善。 第六星期 : 除了晚上,白天已开始不用口服止痛药。 第七星期 : 个案感动的哭,当他引述自己一整天肩膀都无痛楚,
第八星期 : 偶尔会有微 痛,但满意目前的状况,

对他来说,已是极大地收获,他会继续使用Ionman cream。


— 用药房和医生开的药方,抗炎药物。

敷用了Ionman cream 2个月后的效果

第一星期 :2天后,明显减少疼痛,第六天关节发炎好转。 第二星期 :继续减少疼痛。步行短距离膝盖还略有浮肿。
第五星期 :个案4引述,他走远距离,膝盖也不见浮肿。 第六星期 :走远路途,他甚至不用因膝盖疼痛而半途停下来休息。 第七星期 :生活更活跃,开始重新载送孩子。
第八星期:他继续使用 Ionman cream。
Ionman cream已经是他的随身之宝。

产品超能的好处 :
感谢这些伟大的科学家,化学家和医疗人员精心的研究,让这产品回复了4 individual的生活品质,也让我有机会享用这产品。

Dr Brian


REPORT and live test results of IONMAN GLUCOSAMINE TOPICAL CREAM by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014 (Part 2-2 )

and live test results of 
by Dr. Brian Xie, October 8 2014 
(Part 2-2 )

Subject 1
A 50 year old white male with a history of severe shoulder and neck pain (unexplained by doctors) as well as foot/ankle pain due to and old injury. No family history of arthritis.
History of actions and medications used for treatment
- Anti-inflammatory drugs
- pain control drugs both over the counter and prescription
- massage therapy
- joint steroid injections

Results after a 2 month daily therapy of IONMAN topical cream
(Cream was applied to affected areas twice daily for 8 weeks).
Week 1: noticeable reduction in pain after 2 days as well as visible reduction in inflammation of hands and knees
Week 2: further reduction in pain and a noticed improvement in sleep
Week 3: noticeable improvement of mobility in shoulders with noted reduction in pain at extreme motion
Week 4: a dramatic feeling of well-being not having to deal with debilitating pain management
Week 5: a feeling of fluid motion was conveyed. Continued pain reduction management needs
Week 6: at week 6 subject 1 was mobile with no need for added oral pain management for sleeping
Week 7: a more active individual, living a much improved quality of life.
Week 8: now pain free on a daily basis and without the need for oral pain management he is still using a daily maintenance on all joints, says he will continue to use the product as needed for the rest of his life.

Subject 2

A 77 year old Chinese female with degenerative joints and mild osteoarthritis (OA).
Slightly humped over when erect due to lack of range of motion in joints and spine.
Family history of arthritis. Walks with a cane.
History of actions and medications used for treatment
- anti-inflammatory drugs
- TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) anti-inflammatory oral formulas
- TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) topical joint repair paste

Results after a 2 month daily therapy of IONMAN topical cream.
(Cream was applied to affected areas twice daily for 8 weeks).
Week 1: noticeable reduction in pain after first application which continued throughout the week. Visible reduction in joint inflammation.
Week 2: further reduction in pain and mobility in joints as well as a noticed improvement in sleep. Further visible reduction of joint inflammation especially in the hands and knees.
Week 3: noticeable improvement of quality of life, family members stated she was seen smiling for the first time in years. Able to stand more erect due to increased range of joint motion.
Week 4: residing in a rural area she can now walk short distances without a cane
Week 5: individual was seen walking erect and with greater ease of motion
Week 6: pain has been reduced to moments instead of constant. This is simply due to the healing process.
Week 7: a much more active individual, living a much improved quality of life. She said she felt 40 years younger. She also told me she had started to do needlepoint again after not being able to for over a decade because of severe pain in her hands.
Week 8: still using a daily maintenance on all joints, she will continue to use the product as needed for the rest of his life.

Subject 3

A 76 year old male with elbow and shoulder tissue damage due to 550VAC electrical shock early in his life. Also has advanced cartilage degeneration and separated tendons in shoulders due to a lifetime of physical labor. Has reduced range of motion and 24 hour pain and trouble sleeping.
His father was a diabetic, however he is not. No history of arthritis in family.
History of actions and medications used for treatment and symptom management- anti-inflammatory drugs both over the counter and prescription when needed weekly
- pain control oral drugs both over the counter and prescription daily
- has been on surgery waiting list to reattach tendons for 3 years

Results after a 2 month daily therapy of IONMAN topical cream.
(Cream was applied to affected areas twice daily for 8 weeks).
Week 1: noticeable reduction in pain after first application another noticeable reduction in pain at the end of the 2nd day.
Week 2: further reduction in pain and a mild improvement in sleep still a need for pain management
Week 3: noticeable improvement of mobility in shoulders, person could not lift arms above shoulder at the onset of test.
Week 4: a dramatic feeling of pain reduction, at the end of 4th week individual could sleep through the night
Week 5: continued pain reduction management needs, noticeable improvement of quality of life
Week 6: at the end of week 6 subject 3 had no need for added oral pain management during the day, however still needed pain management for sleep
Week 7: individual cried during our session stating he had a whole day without severe shoulder pain and had realized how bad his quality of life had been for the past two decades. Due to the injury he still has discomfort but it is now not an all-encompassing daily pain management. He said he had been living with debilitating pain for over 20 years.
Week 8: still has need for occasional pain management but he stated his overall quality of life was dramatically improved. He is still using a daily maintenance on all joints, says he will continue to use the product for the rest of his life.

Subject 4

A 52 year old white male overweight with limited mobility due to extreme knee pain.
He is also a diabetic type 2. Cannot carry heavy objects due to knee pain. Standing up from seated position is slow and painful.
History of actions and medications used for treatment and symptom management
- anti-inflammatory drugs both over the counter and prescription used when he was over active
- pain control oral drugs both over the counter and prescription used daily

Results after a 2 month daily therapy of IONMAN topical cream.
(Cream was applied to affected areas twice daily for 8 weeks).
Week 1: noticeable reduction in pain after 2 days noticed reduction in debilitating pain at end of first week. Visible reduction in joint inflammation.
Week 2: further reduction in pain. Still has mild swelling after walking short distances.
Week 3: noticeable improvement of mobility, individual was more active daily and able to walk longer distances
Week 4: stopped all oral pain medication for sleeping and ability to walk. Standing up from a seated position was no longer painful
Week 5: individual told us his knees no longer swelled after a long walks
Week 6: at week 6 subject 4 was mobile with no need for resting during long walks due to joint pain
Week 7: a more active individual, living a much improved quality of life, told us he was able to pick up and carry his grandchildren for the first time in years.
Week 8: still using a daily maintenance on all joints, says he will continue to use the product as needed for the rest of his life.
As the above results, I feel proud of sharing IONMAN, really hope it can help more people in need.

Observations and thoughts on IONMAN Glucosamine Cream
The proprietary dermal transport technology is the products superior advantage. Getting a high level of useable ingredient to affected areas in a small amount of time is the key to any recovery of injury and or aging process and to simply maintain a healthy body. Thanks to the great work of the scientists, chemists and doctors that created this product that has given the quality of life back to the 4 individuals that I was able to test the product on. I wish there were more solutions to real problems like IONMAN.

Dr Brian


2014年12月12日 星期五

About Ionman # 关于Ionman


【珍品五味】 系列

*二合一黑糖姜母茶 (黑糖,姜)
*四合一黑糖姜母茶 (黑糖,姜,桂圆,红枣)
100%全素,没防腐剂 ,没人工色素
1包RM35 (运费 :RM 6 / 包)


2014年12月5日 星期五

#V2 #R2 #K2 产品分享 ! V II / K II / R II

男人秘密武器✪ KII ✪ 让男人有活力 女人有魅力!
1盒 - RM160 (每盒 20小包)
► 味道(淡淡黄梨香) - 粉状 - 可直接倒在舌头下自行融化或泡少量水100ML饮用) 
► 服食产品期间需喝水量-2000-3000cc 以协助产品发挥功效
► 主要功效:
1 保护肝脏
2 补充精力/消除疲劳
3 滋润皮肤/平衡内分泌系统
4 失眠症/改善睡眠
5 降低糖尿病/血压/胆固醇
6 改善经痛 /白带/怕冷
7 提高男性性功能
8 增加体力及耐力
9 抗老化
10 改善夜尿
11 小便无力/痔疮
12 前列腺/小便断断续
► 信心保证:
化验认证 证明是健康食品, 不含西药、兴奋剂及禁药成份、重金属及化学成份
非常方便服用 效果好,

R-II 重量级美白 让你美白不是梦!!
亚洲女生也可以当白雪公主!因为R-II (亚洲人美白神器)出现了!
1盒 - RM160 (每盒 20小包)
味道酸甜 - 粉状 - 可直接倒在舌头下自行融化或泡少量水100ML饮用)
服食产品期间需喝水量-2000-3000cc 以协助产品发挥功效
► R-II の主要功效:

V-II 卵巢保养 ✪ 女人最需要的私处美容 ✪ 德国配方研发
1盒 - RM160 (每盒 20小包)
服用方法: 调理期 :早晚各1包 保健法:每天1 包即可
味道酸甜 - 粉状 - 可直接倒在舌头下自行融化或泡少量水100ML饮用
服食产品期间需喝水量-2000-3000cc 以协助产品发挥功效
► 这个产品可以帮助到改善白带,改善经痛,促进胸部结实,改善性冷感,预防子宫癌,收缩子宫,增加爱液不再 干燥达到高潮。效果非常好,可以购买1 盒试试看,很多顾客1盒既可以看到效果哦(☆_☆) 4 盒为一个疗程
✪ 用过的人,都知道它的神奇效果"只要是女人, 你都需要V-II
► 显著功效:
• 活血调经,调阴养颜
• 改善经痛,白带
• 促进阴道紧实
• 改善性冷感
• 消除子宫异味
• 预防子宫癌
• 促进胸部结实
• 改善睡眠
• 促进夫妻性生活更美满
• 延缓 更年期
• 改善内分泌系统
► 信心保证:
化验认证 证明是健康食品, 不含西药、兴奋剂及禁药成份、重金属及化学成份
非常方便服用 效果好,


2014年12月3日 星期三

Congratulation To IONMAN

~ 微细菌,重金属,抗生素,止痛剂,荷尔蒙。。。


Wat Khao Udom Phon

Wat Khao Udom Phon https://youtu.be/swi3XwAvxQ0?si=e6pdYy9fOEubyijK